Do you know a family, a couple, a child or anyone for that matter that could use a pick me up in the form of a FREE photo session? If so, I want to hear about it.
I have been so blessed by this business and all the wonderful people I have had the sincere pleasure of working with and this Christmas season I want to share that blessing.
Maybe you know of a family that has been struggling with illness or job loss, and family pictures would bring some joy back to their hearts and faces. Whatever the reason, if you know someone deserving I want to hear the story.
From today, December 3rd, until December 13
th, I will take submissions. Please email me at with the story of why your nominee should be the winner of the free session. Please be specific. I don't need to know every little gritty detail, but you need to convince me that your nominee is the most deserving. "They are good people" won't cut it. You don't have to be a spectacular writer or perfect speller, just a person who cares enough about someone you know to tell me their story in a persuasive way in the hope that they will be given this gift.
I will choose a winner by December 15
Please spread the word about this giveaway by email,
Facebook and word of mouth as you see fit.
I look forward to hearing about some amazing people in the coming days and putting a smile on the face of the winner(s).
Merry Christmas!