The eyes had me this past Saturday when I was fortunate enough to work with three great kids. Seriously, the eyes on these beautiful children were captivating. Michinok family....thanks for the opportunity to meet and work with you. Enjoy your preview!
My sweet friend Patty's little princess, Gwen, turned one this week. I can hardly believe that a year has already gone by. This morning she was "tutu" cute for her birthday pictures! What fun we had watching her smile and giggle in her adorable pink and green. Patty, Mitch, Sebastian and Gwen....enjoy the preview of the birthday girl!
Oh Evie!!! My husband and I have some amazing friends and one of those couples just had their second child, Evie. I was so honored to get to take her newborn shots. She is a beautiful bundle of sweetness, softness...and oh...that wonderful baby smell. Chad and Denise, what a precious little one God has blessed you with...enjoy your preview!
This weekend I had the pleasure of working with the Sherwin family. Their beautiful daughters are about the same ages as my kids which was a lot of fun. Sherwin Family...thank you for sharing your time with me and enjoy your preview!